CNT Activities

Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology Ltd. (CNT) has participated as partner responsible for exploitation and dissemination activities in European Funded – FP7 projects and is currently participating in several Horizon2020 projects as well as InnovateUK funded projects.

The projects CNT  is involved are listed below.

Current Projects

UK Funded Project

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GRAPHOSITE – A Graphene Sensor for Defect Detection and Predictive Maintenance in Composite Materials –

The GRAPHOSITE is a 30-month project which started on the 1st August 2018. The main objective of the project is to develop a Graphene Sensor for Defect Detection and Predictive Maintenance in Composite Materials for use as a highly efficient, more convenient composite monitoring tool.
This project has been supported by the Innovate UK (£1.3)

EU Funded Projects

H2020 Project – n-TRACK – Multimodal nanoparticles for structural and functional tracking of stem cell therapy on muscle regeneration (

The nTRACK is a collaborative project funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under H2020 (6,8 million Euro) where CNT is a partner responsible for exploitation of the project results.

The goal of the nTRACK project is to develop a highly sensitive multimodal nano-imaging agent in compliance with current regulatory framework. It will enable non-invasive, quantitative and longitudinal stem cell tracking and whole body bio-distribution. Thereby, it will provide early predictions of cellular therapy treatment outcomes as well as the ability to detect and monitor cell transplants. The nTRACK consortium will utilise stem cells to predict treatment success for muscle regeneration as proof of principle.

H2020 Oyster: Open characterisation and modelling environment to drive innovation in advanced nano-architectured and bio-inspired hard/soft interfaces (

This project started on the 1st December 2017, it is an European large collaborative Project (NMBP-07-2017 – 3,99€ Million – Grant Agreement 760827). This project has the participation of 15 members from Academia, Research and Industry. CNT Ltd is one the partners responsible to dissemination and exploitation of the results.

OYSTER uses contact mechanics to bridge adhesion data at multiple length scales and link interfacial adhesion to physicochemical properties. OYSTER brings Europe’s first-class laboratories and SMEs to take existing nanoscale characterisation technologies towards widespread utilisation in process optimisation and model validation.

H2020 M3DLoC – “Additive Manufacturing of 3D Microfluidic MEMS for Lab-on-a-Chip applications” (  

The M3DLoC Project has been funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 programme (7,9€ Million Grant), to study “Additive Manufacturing of 3D Microfluidic MEMS for Lab-on-a-Chip applications”.

M3DLoC aims at the employment of multi-material 3D printing technologies for the large-scale fabrication of microfluidic MEMS for lab-on-a-chip and sensing applications. The concept is based on the combination of multimaterial direct-ink-writing method and an extrusion-based 3D printing pilot line, in order to fabricate microstructured detection devices with the ability to perform all steps of chemical analysis in an automated fashion. This 4-year project started in January 2018 and will be carried out by an international consortium of 17 organisations from industry and academia. CNT Ltd is leading the exploitation and dissemination activities in the project.

H2020 Genesis – High performance MOF and IPOSS enhanced membrane systems as next generation CO2 capture technologies (

The GENESIS is a H2020 project (9.5 € Million Grant) which started on the 1st January 2018 with a kick of meeting in Brussels. Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology is leading the IPR and dissemination activities along with 14 other organisations.

GENESIS project aims to develop and upscale some of the most promising material for CO2 capture and demonstrate their performance, durability and reliability in industrial environments. GENESIS is built upon two previous ambitious EU projects that developed IPOSS and MOF membrane systems with a great performance for CC. GENESIS will take these technologies a step further by scaling up the most promising ones by demonstrating in relevant 0.45 MWe capture process for pre-combustion and 2 post-combustion applications and achieve at least 90% of CO2 recovery at a cost of 15€/MWh in two carbon intensive industries (Cemex & Arcelormittal).
GENESIS is building upon a multidisciplinary team of European technology centers, large enterprises, SMEs in a cross-border project. This will guarantee that the successful implementation of GENESIS and ensure the ambitious objectives will be achieved and impact will be realized in terms of a rapid market penetration of the developed materials and systems by overcoming technological barriers.

H2020 Repair3D – Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications (

Repair3D – Recycling and Repurposing of Plastic Waste for Advanced 3D Printing Applications”. Is a H2020 (5.9 € Million Grant – 49-month) project, which started on the 1st January 2019. It has the participation of 18 partners.

The project aims to address all aspects and stages of thermoplastic and CF reinforced thermoplastic 3D printing material development from recycled resources, starting with the selection of suitable waste streams, strategies for material repair, compatibilization and upgrade towards AM processing, compatibility between different thermoplastic matrices and the reinforcing fibres and nanoparticles, comparative assessment of various AM thermoplastic processing technologies and closed-loop material optimisation in terms of processability and performance.

H2020 Apolo– SmArt Designed Full Printed Flexible RObust Efficient Organic HaLide PerOvskite solar cells (

Apolo is a 4-year project that started in April 2018 and it has a Budget of 4’997’191,25€ financed by the European Research Programme Horizon 2020. Cambridge Nanomaterials Technology was invited to join the Apolo project consortium during 2020. Apolo is a European research project that is developing a new and promising photovoltaic technology called Perovskite for a new generation of photovoltaics. This technology has obtained a new efficiency record of 20.3% in a 11.2 cm² surface with a cheap and easy manufacturing technique. Leitat is the coordinator of the project, other partners of this projects are: Flexbrick, Greatcell Solar, Fraunhofer, Arkema, Accurec, CEA, Rome University, EPFL and Uninova.

This H2020 Carbo4Power – New generation of offshore turbine blades with intelligent architectures of hybrid, nanoenabled multi-materials via advanced manufacturing

The Carbon4Power (€ 7 8 million – Grant Agreement 953192) is a 4-year project which started in November 2020 and it is led by National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). It has the participation of 18 partner organisations. CNT is the partner responsible of the Exploitation and Dissemination activities.
Carbo4Power aims to develop a new generation of durable, multifunctional, digitalized rotor blades for offshore turbines that will increase their operational performance.